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Verifying that a Cloud Connector integration was successful

After you set up a new integration with Blumira, you can verify that logs are reaching Blumira within the app by checking the integration's current status and log counts. Most integrations take a few minutes before their log counts begin. With the following exceptions, when you integrate with Blumira, we collect logs from the time the integration completes and onward:

  • Microsoft 365 includes data from up to 7 days prior to the integration.
  • Mimecast includes SIEM endpoint data from up to 30 days prior to the integration, but their other endpoints do not include past data.
  • AWS includes data from up to 1 hour before the integration.

To verify that a Cloud Connector is successfully logging:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Cloud Connectors.
  2. In the Cloud Connectors table, find the relevant data source.
  3. Under Current Status, a successful integration displays a green dot and "Online."
  4. Under Total Logs, verify that the number of logs received is not zero and increases over time.

To view the logs we have received for the integration, run a report in Report Builder.