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Uninstalling Blumira Agent from a device that is not connected

Important: If Blumira Agent is successfully running on a host that is connected to Blumira and appears in the app (Blumira Agent > Devices), you should remove the agent by following the steps in Managing your Blumira Agent devices. This method ensures a clean removal from the host and the supporting cloud services used by Blumira Agent.

If Blumira Agent is installed but the host cannot connect to Blumira or has failed to be fully removed, you can manually uninstall the service from the endpoint.

Uninstalling the agent from Mac

To manually remove Blumira Agent from a Mac device, run the following command on the machine:

sudo /usr/local/bin/rphcp -c

Uninstalling the agent from Linux

To manually remove Blumira Agent from a Linux device, run the following command on the machine:

sudo /bin/blumira_agent_uninstall

Uninstalling the agent from Windows

To manually remove Blumira Agent from a Windows device:

  1. Download the Blumira Agent installer, here: https://dl.blumira.com/agent/files/blu_agent.exe.
  2. Decide if this endpoint will have the Blumira Agent re-installed on it or not, then proceed with one of these options accordingly:
    • If you are going to attempt the installation on the same device, run this command to remove the Agent but leave in place the identity files: blu_agent.exe -r
      Note: This means that although the service is no longer running on the device, re-running an installer will use the previous configurations left on the machine (where to connect, the agent id, etc.) instead of creating new configurations.
    • If you are not re-installing, run this command to remove everything that was installed in the previous attempt: blu_agent.exe -c
      Note: After running this command, the previous agent’s identity is no longer recoverable. Installing a new agent on the same host will result in a brand new agent registering with Blumira.

Tip: When running the uninstall, you may see one or more errors. As long as you are able to verify that the uninstall was successful, seeing error messages is not a concern.