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About the Manager dashboard

The Manager dashboard provides a top-level summary of events, threats, and suspects for the findings generated for your organization.

Required: To see the Manager dashboard, you must have the Administrator or Manager role.

The Manager dashboard includes:

Card Description
Monitor Mode button

A focused view of the Manager dashboard, typically used for continuous viewing on a separate monitor while logged in to the app.
See the screenshot below.

Data Summary

Totals for the number of:

  • Events Detected and Analyzed
  • Suspects Identified and Filtered
  • Threats Identified
Threats Detected

A trend chart showing the monthly totals of threats detected and a table with the summary of the date created, name, priority level, and status of the finding.

Suspects Opened

A trend chart showing the monthly totals of suspects identified, according to priority level.

Finding Source Locations

A map of geo-location data associated with findings, if available from ingested log data. if no geo-location data is generated from your logs, a message indicating “No Data Found” will appear over the map.

Current Active Findings

A table that provides the count of active threats and suspects in each finding status.


Monitor mode view of the dashboard:
